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Three funeral homes receive ‘Dementia Friends’ recognition

Funeral directors from the Bromley area have taken the steps to becoming Dementia Friends, an initiative run by the Alzheimer’s Society.

Teams from the Orpington and Bromley branches of Doves Funeral Directors and Steven Mears Funeral Directors in Beckenham received dementia awareness training to become the first three funeral homes in Bromley to receive this recognition.

The training provided Funeral Arrangers Sherry Kane, Sarah McCabe and Liz Sargent with a more in-depth understanding of dementia and advice on how they can help to create dementia friendly communities.

The decision to become Dementia Friends was sparked by the Bromley Dementia Action Alliance’s plans to make Bromley the first dementia friendly London Borough.

Sherry said: “This training has provided us with a valuable insight into what it’s like to live with dementia and we hope to be able to put what we have learned into action.

“We are always looking to develop our skills and this type of awareness training will allow us to provide an exceptional level of service to people living with Dementia as well as their family, friends, and carers in the local area.

“We are over the moon to be the first three funeral homes in Bromley to receive this recognition and hope that other local businesses join the initiative to make Bromley the first dementia friendly borough.”

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